Picture credit to Sam Lion

The Battle of the Stethoscope: Vets vs. MDs 

15th September 2023

Let's talk about the unsung heroes of the medical world – veterinarians! While human doctors often bask in the limelight, it's time to give our furry pals' healers some credit.

Think about it: the coolest doctors are the ones who deal with patients who won't spill the beans about their health issues. Picture your uncle groaning about a stomach ache, but when it's our pets, they speak in whimpers and tail wags. Vets need to put on their psychic hats and do some magic 8-ball decoding to figure out what's wrong.

I've been lucky enough to watch vets in action, and it's a real spectacle. They're the ultimate multitaskers. They play dentist, deal with the not-so-glam 'poop stuff,' and even become nurses. Ever seen a vet perform surgery on your beloved feline friend? It's like juggling a mountain of responsibility. Talk about having nerves of steel!

We humans treat our furry buddies like family, and for some, even more than that. Vets pour their hearts and souls into keeping our beloved pets safe, all while knowing that if anything goes wrong, it's all on them.

Now, I'm not saying that human doctors don't feel the weight of responsibility, but some vet clinics or farms don't even have a supporting cast of nurses. So when the final act begins, it's a one-man show. And here's the kicker – dare I say that vets might just be... a smidge more... down-to-earth? Oops, did I just say that out loud?

Please keep in mind this is just my two cents, based on my observations (and I'm always right, just ask my cat). 🐾👩‍⚕️